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If you want to figure out the emotional root cause of any illness in your body, including bloating, unexplained weight gain and poor digestion...

I have personally blocked out time in my calendar to speak with you for 15 minutes, to give you a step-by-step personalized plan to heal your chronic health issue now.

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Hi There, I Am Jodi Geline

I went from looking 9 months pregnant (picture on left)      to a flat stomach in just a few months! (picture on right)

It wasn’t bad enough that I looked 9 months pregnant for 19 years from severe digestive issues, there also was a lot of pain, embarrassment and let’s not forget about the bathroom time. Oh, did I mention, the accidents? No, I don’t want to share that. Way too embarrassing.

After trying everything under the sun to get better for years and years, when no Dr. could ever help me, I discovered the missing link that no one ever tells you about!

Listen, I know what it’s like to walk in the closet and not know what’s going to fit you that day.

I know what it’s like to be in pain from all the gas in your stomach and the embarrassment of how you look.

I know what it’s like to have no metabolism and gain 10 pounds in 4 days and you've barely eaten anything.

I also know exactly what it takes to have a flat stomach and healthy digestion again.

And I can help you eliminate your chronic IBS and bloat once and for all! Or other chronic health issues you may have. What I do gets to the root of the problem. Not just the surface, because you want permanent results.

Oh, and I have a secret:  I get healthier with age! And you can too!!


"I feel lighter, my stomach's flat and I wear skinny jeans again! 
And I'm a size smaller."

My client Ali was so bloated, endlessly busy and stressed out from a corporate career and also couldn’t walk because of surgery on her foot, that she couldn’t live her life. She’s also a mom and runs a business. She was frustrated because she couldn’t wear her skinny jeans anymore from bloat and weight gain.  

Self control and sticking to something was very challenging when it came to herself, but not for other things in her life, like work.

She had deeper blocks within (from childhood) that she couldn't see on her own. So we worked on shifting those blocks that actually were the reason her issues showed up physically in her body as stomach problems.

When we healed the root emotions, she started to make herself a priority instead of everyone and everything else. (or she shifted her self control?) 

She released the controlling anxiety and is now more present and in a natural flow, which healed her bloat and stomach problems.
She also feels lighter, her stomach is flat and she now wears skinny jeans (no more elastic waist), and she is a size smaller. And her kids even commented, they notice a difference in her too!

From looking pregnant to losing 15 pounds

Mary Beth looked very pregnant for 16 years, dealt with pain, gained a lot of weight, among other chronic health issues she was dealing with.

Strangers would ask her if she was pregnant. She’d say no, hot with shame, trying to fight tears from rolling down her face, because she just felt so exposed.

There was this thing wrong with her - her protruding belly that perpetually looked 6 months pregnant.  Even in baggy clothes, she couldn’t hide it. She felt positively disgusted with how she looked and she stopped looking in the mirror all together because she didn’t want to be reminded of her belly.

It was bad enough that strangers reminded her constantly. She had to hide for years from this suffering.

She had tried everything to get better, diets, exercise, deep breathing and more.

At that point, she gave up and just didn’t take care of herself anymore. The feeling of unworthiness from the shame overwhelmed her.

We delved into her childhood experience and I helped her understand the connection between her lack of self-love and self-worth. This emotional root issue caused her to neglect herself.

When her wound of unworthiness was healed, her stomach settled and the bloat released and she lost 15 pounds. So out the door went the clothes that she didn’t feel good in. And she bought new clothes that made her feel sexier; that made her feel empowered to really own her value and who she is in the world. She walks down the street with confidence now with no concern of any judgment about her stomach.

~mary beth archer~

© Copyright Jodi Geline 2023. All Rights Reserved.

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