Free Online Event Hosted by Jodi Geline

Heal From Within Series

Heal your body, raise your vibration
and release chronic health issues, naturally



Do You Suffer with Chronic Health Issues?

If you're health conscious, yet you find yourself struggling with unexplained digestive issues, stomach bloat, pain, weight gain, and other chronic health issues
life just never seems to go your way, 
and no matter what you try and do, nothing seems to work.
It's left you wondering 
why this is happening to you... 

Your solution to permanent health is here in the...

heal from within series

30+ experts who found the secrets within to heal their body of chronic health issues and experience elite health

Healing within IS true healing!

The experts in this series all have gone through health and life challenges and they realized they had to figure out the solution on their own. 

They went within. They found the secrets that no doctors could help them with and they’ve experienced healing that’s better than most people would ever know.

I've done the same thing with severe IBS and belly bloat, along with pain and weight gain.
So whether you have belly bloat, gut issues, eating disorders, pain, weight, love or financial issues or even cancer...

You'll find answers in the summit to the health and life you are looking for.

If you find yourself feeling...

Resigned and kind of accept the way your body feels, is just the way it is
Held back from life, saying no to your friends invitation to go out for dinner because you're so bloated and your gut hurts
Sluggish, physically uncomfortable, cranky and exhausted and you don't want to do anything anymore?
Out of breath trying to keep up with your kids
Embarrassed because you wear baggy clothes to hide your body

Then you must attend the Summit where over 30 top health, wealth, love and spiritual experts reveal leading edge approaches to create a miracle in your life! You'll discover... 

Proven strategies to clear blocksreduce stress and experience more energy, connection, freedom and ease in your life!
How to thrive and not just survive in your day to day life - yes, it's possible!
How to heal your body through foods, balancing hormones, healing trauma, self-love, manifestation, creating happiness and connection
How to go from your head to your heart and become conscious about the choices you are making so you can feel love for yourself and live your best, connected, healthiest life 
And so much more!



dr kasia kines

Epstein Barr Virus

maraya brown

Getting Your Libido Back

sandee sgarlata

Peak Performance

dr colleen georges

Nurturing Mind, Body, and Spirit: A Holistic Approach to Healing from Within

dr keira barr

Mindful Beauty: A New Paradigm in Skincare To Heal Your Skin From The Inside Out

tanya goodrich

pelvic floor health

dr rudrani banik

eye health for all ages

dr allison siebecker


crystal cockerham

Embrace Your Inner Goddess to Connect with Your Body's Wisdom

stacie aamon yeldell

Choose Yourself: How to Regain Dominion Over Your Mind

Cynthia williams

How to improve energy levels

lisa michaels

Which Nature-Nourished Feminine Prosperity Archetype Are You?

kris ashley

Change Your Mind To Change Your Reality

joanna brown

Calm The Chaos: 5 Essential Habits to Crush Stress & Anxiety

kimberly severson

Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck (Why Diets Fail and What To Do Instead)

christhian cadenas

Healing the Modern Soul: Integrating Ancestral Shamanic Practices into Contemporary Wellness

sharon seaberg

Healing the Leader Within: Aligning Success, Self-Trust, and Authentic Leadership

cindy winsel

The role of creativity in self-care and emotional healing

kim turcotte

Step Into Your Magick™ - A Transformative Journey of Self-Discovery, Self-Care & Empowerment

karen shier

6 Ways to Recognize Your Inner Critic is Running the Show (and What to Do About It)

kelly tuttle

Mindful Return to Work and Life After a Brain Injury

bev mitelman

Attachment Styles

karlee close

The Secret to Beating Bloat for Good (Without Giving Up Your Favourite Foods)

Denise Schonwald

Anger & Emotional Dysregulation

elizabeth de sevo

Choose Your MOMents

britta fischlin

Ditch the Formula: Building an Authentic Business Through Intuitive Marketing

jodi geline, your host

heal your chronic health issues once and for All! 
healing unresolved Emotions is the gateway 


Get top strategies on cutting-edge insights on health, healing, mindset, reducing stress, happiness, love and spirituality!  

Imagine learning the little known facts to heal naturally, enjoy abundant energy and heal your chronic health issues for good and have a healthy body you love for life! 

About Your Host

Jodi Geline is a Health Expert known for helping people age slower and healthier, banish chronic IBS and belly bloat for good and reclaim their health permanently.

Jodi suffered for years with chronic health issues that no doctor could ever fix and with a belly so bloated, she always looked 9 months pregnant. Through discovering her own methodology, she went from looking very pregnant to a flat stomach, lost the weight and tapped into the secrets of getting healthier as you age.  Jodi figured out how to master her own health and she now teaches others to do the same. 

Jodi has an MBA, is a Speaker, Author, Publisher, University Professor, Energy Healer and Light Language Healer and a Physical and Emotional Transformational Coach.

© Copyright 2025  Jodi Geline. All Rights Reserved.


If you have a chronic health issue or your life isn't going the way you want and you haven't found the answer, it is literally in these videos! 

So sign up now! 
